Friday, 22 February 2013

50 Things About Me

I was hoping to do my Lust Have It review but my box didn't turn up and now I have to wait until Monday's mail sigh..................

I thought I might do a 50 things about me because I have been seeing these pop up all over and thought it would be fun, if you would like to do this too consider yourself tagged.   I would love to read your blog so please leave a comment.

1.    My most important role, I am a wife and mother to four boys.
2.    I have two Angel girls in heaven
3.    I have five Miniature Irish Dexter Cows as pets, moo  :o)
4.    I have always loved animals and bring home strays ALL the time.
5.    I collect collections, I need a new house for all my collections.
6.    I used to be in the Army
7.    I was born in England but grew up in Australia.
8.    The name MatillyRose is in honour of my Gt Gran Matilda and my Gran Rose.
9.    I was a tomboy growing up, hated anything to do with dolls and pink
10.  Pink and Purple are my favourite colours.............
11.  I collect dolls, things change huh?
12.  I ride motorbikes
13.  I am an Athletics coach
14.  I was a Chef and managed an Italian restaurant, I make really good lasagne!
15.  I love to knit and crochet
16.  I love a challenge
17.  I want to write a book that helps people
18.  I am incredibly shy but love to meet people, strange.............
19.  I love to travel, was a bit of a gypsy really till I had kids
20.  I am diabetic
21.  I hated my freckles growing up
22.  I can't stand it when things are uneven, I need balance!
23.  I never pay full price for anything, I am the Queen of the Bargains
24.  Icecream IS a breakfast food
25.  Men with Scottish accents make me weak at the knees
26.  I cry really easily, I am such a wuss!
27.  I don't drink or smoke.
28.  I am fussy about coffee and have been known to take my own when visiting friends.
29.  I don't drink water from the tap, I prefer mineral water.
30.  I don't like to wear shoes, even in winter.
31.  I treat ALL people the way I want to be treated, with Respect.
32.  I am very loyal to my friends and family.
33.  I love to draw
34.  I taught myself how to play the piano, guitar and mandolin
35.  My favourite saying when things are bad is This Too Shall Pass
36.  I don't watch TV
37.  If I wasn't a coach I would love to be someone's personal shopper
38.  I can't stand Dishonesty
39.  My favourite flowers are Purple Irises
40.  Autumn is my favourite season, all the colours, glorious.
41   I can't sleep with my arm hanging out of bed, yes there is a monster under my bed!!
42.  I love Pandora jewellry,  I AM a Pandora girl :o)
43.  Vincent Van Gogh is my favourite artist
44.  My favourite movie is The English Patient
45.  My favourite mini-series is Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth
46.  I can't watch movies which have cruelty to animals or children in them
47.  I have a very dry sense of humour which few people get
48.  I once went to a fancy dress party as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, they STILL talk about it
49.  My favourite holiday is Christmas
50.  I love blogging!!

"Irises" - Vincent van Gogh 1889


  1. Loved it, you must be a very interesting person :)

  2. I love these :)

    i can't watch anything with animals in like wild animal programs which my mum just happens to love. There one was some elephants who almost got swept away crossing a river they of course aurvived but i was almost in tears and had a tantrum until it was over. I don't care that i was 21 at the time. (i am still 21 lol)

    kate @ sparkle dust xx

    1. I know how you feel Kate, I have to leave the room or turn the DVD off, stuff like that upsets me too much.

      We have the movie Kite Runner in the cupboard unopened because when I heard the boy in the movie got hurt in terrible ways, I absolutely refuse to watch it.

      Thanks for commenting x0x

  3. Love this! I also have a dry sense of humour that some people just don't get but that also makes it funnier haha! Awesome post :)

  4. Hello. I just came across your blog and I love it. It is super fun to read random facts, you get to know the person so better. I absolutely agree with you about Vincent Van Gogh. I love art. Have a great day,
    xoxo Nika


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