Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Her Fashion Box March Review

This is a new beauty box that started this month.  If you would like to find out more about them or subscribe to their box go here.

Arrives in a great big pink box, I love it, sure won't miss this in the mail.  The inner black box is strong, sturdy and reusable.

There are three boxes you can choose from and the one I subscribed to was Feminine.

This is what I received this month.

Booklet -  that describes all the items included with gorgeous photos and fashion tips.

Necklace - The necklace is a very pretty lace collar design in silver, very heavy, not something I would wear but makes a nice gift.

Maybelline Colour Sensational High Shine Lip Gloss ~ Glisten Lip Pink RRP$15.95

Redken Diamond Oil Shampoo 30ml, Conditioner 30ml and Treatment 50ml samples.

Master Makeup by Dean Nixon,  Eye Brush - I was very excited to find this brush in the box until I realised it was made with animal hair.  They call it 'natural bristles'.  I have made a personal decision to try very hard not to knowingly use any cosmetic products that include the use of animals whether that be in testing or the products themselves.  I have emailed the brush company direct to ask them what they mean exactly by 'natural bristles', I will update when they reply.  UPDATE:  I received a very nice email back from Dean himself and he informed me that the Kabuki brush is made from Pony Hair and all remaining brushes are made from White Goat Hair.

Moxie Feminine Products - Box of personal items and that's all I'm going to say about that!

Circa Soap ~ 125g RRP $9.95 ~ Lilac & Orchid ~ smells very feminine.  UPDATE:  This soap is divine, so creamy and super lathering, felt wonderful to use and my skin has a lovely subtle floral scent about it.  Definitely a winner this one.

I was suppose to receive a bow hair tie as a thank you for being one of their first customers but it wasn't in the box.

There was a great variety of goodies which will appeal to a lot of ladies out there.  I like that they include accessories too.

I don't know yet if it is worth the $39.95 per month.   Honestly I was expecting the box to contain some little samples thrown in as well as the main products highlighted, it's a big box that should be full, considering it costs nearly 3x the amount as Bellabox and LHI.

Congratulations HFB on your first box and I look forward to seeing what you have in store next month.


  1. The products look good and I would be excited about the eye shadow brush but I definitely don't think I'd be paying $39.95 for the box. Like you, I would have expected more mini samples included in the box. But who is their first box so maybe it will get better from here!

    It's definitely a decent start but I think I'll wait a couple of months to see what they have to offer each month before I subscribe.

    1. Yes I agree it's early days and maybe they will get better, I was expecting big things for their first box though to bump up their subscriptions.

      Jac x0x

  2. Hmm I think you are right, I don't think it's worth $39.95 either, since LHI is regularly providing 2-3 full size products that's well over the worth of this box!

    Lovely items though, the necklace is very pretty!

    1. Hya Lily, it is very pretty but I don't wear necklaces so I will keep it for a pressie or maybe a prize when I get some more followers :o)

      Jac x0x

  3. Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog Jac :)
    I've followed you :)

    Samantha xo | SamanthaLusts

    1. Awww thank you very happy we have connected x0x

  4. The Peter Pan collar necklace is gorgeous! I absolutely love it! <33 Great post!


    1. It is very pretty, thanks for dropping by x0x

  5. Great blog :) Maybe would You like to follow each other via gfc and bloglovin?

    1. Thank you and I would love to follow you on gfc and bloglovin, I LOVE LOVE LOVE making new friends :o)

      Jac x0x

  6. the products looks okay.. but for $40? no way Jose! haha hopefully they step it up!

    My Blog: Caught in a Daze.

    1. Hya Vicky, it is a lot of money, I hope they put more in, I would love to see some little samples at the bottom of the box just to rifle through like a xmas stocking, I love surprises. LOL........

      Jac x0x

  7. Hey Matilly, thanks so much for leaving that awesome comment on my blog! haha
    Just followed you on GFC :) Do you have a Twitter because I'd love it if we followed each other on there as well!

    My Blog, Crystal's Beauty Corner

    1. Hya gorgeous Crystal, I would love to follow you on Twitter once I work it out, sigh..... pretty computer illiterate.

      Big Hugs

      Jac x0x

  8. ;)) nice post, products looks great;)

  9. Why thank you Miss Greta :o)

    Jac x0x

  10. Nice products!!! Would you like to follow each other?
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

    1. Hola!! Marcela I would love to be your friend and follow you :o)

      Jac x0x

  11. OMG~ I love the lace collar~!!! XD Overall I don't really think the box is worth $39.95 though =/ will definitely be keeping an eye on this box over the coming months tho~ ^^

    1. Hey Tali, thanks for dropping by, it's a new box so hopefully things will get bigger and better

      Jac xox


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